Cheltenham Conservative Association image
Cheltenham Conservative Association is a voluntary body that promotes the election of Conservatives to elected positions in Cheltenham.

The Association is run by a Management Team comprising:

President- Chris Nelson
Chair-Teresa Prothero
Deputy Chair, Political- William Prothero
Deputy Chair, Membership and Fundraising- Nick Saywell
Treasurer-Nick Saywell

Please do contact us if you wish to help us by either joining, volunteering or even becoming a candidate.
Councillors image
Residents of Cheltenham are represented by Gloucestershire County Councillors who can be found here:

Gloucestershire County Councillors

and also by Cheltenham Borough Councillors who can be found here:

Cheltenham Borough Councillors by ward​​​

Cheltenham Association Patrons Club imageCheltenham Association Patrons Club image
The Patrons Club was established to raise vital funds for the Association so that we can fight and WIN local elections and help Alex Chalk win for the Conservatives in Cheltenham.  The Patrons Club is determined to do all we can to help him win.

My name is Lucy Barker and I lead the Cheltenham Conservative Patrons Club. The Club was re-launched in 2023 following the Pandemic and is a fine dining club which usually meets 4 times a year. Our suppers are usually held on a Friday evening and are attended by Alex Chalk and inspiring conservative speakers. For 2023, we are calling these dining events ‘In Conversation’ evenings, which take the form of an interview. Both of our events this year sold out and very well received. We have raised over £2,000 this year but need to keep going as we start campaign preparations for an anticipated Autumn 2024 election.

Patrons Club membership costs £100 per year and is a donation to the Association so that our Conservative candidates can wage effective campaigns and WIN!

As a Patrons Member, you will be able to benefit from discounted tickets to all of our events and will be doing that little BIT extra for Alex and the local Association.

If you are able to support us by joining the Patrons Club, please make your £100 payment to:
Cheltenham Conservative Association:- Account Number:- 00205286 Sort Code:- 30-95-72 Reference:- CNM Patrons Club

Details about our next event can be found here: Patron Events

Don’t forget our last two events sold out so please do get your skates on! Family and friends will be more than welcome.

If you would like further information or would like a membership form, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email

Lucy Barker
Cheltenham Patrons

Cheltenham Conservative Association
Unit P2, Innsworth Technology Park
Innsworth Lane

Senior Administrator: Stephanie Chambers
Administrator: Claire Rowland
Campaign Manager: Charlie Thomas 

01452 371630

Promoted by Teresa Prothero on behalf of Cheltenham Conservative Association.
Contact Us image